my best friend作文开头(雅思口语考试范文:最好的朋友)

100次浏览     发布时间:2024-10-22 10:33:02    


  Describe one of your friends. You shouldsay:

  Who he/she is?

  How long you have known each other?

  How you got to know each other?

  What you usually did together?

  Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you.I am sure you will find my talk interesting andinformative.

  1. a) I have many good friends, but my bestfriend is called XXX.

  b) I am sure you have a best friend too.

  2. a) I met XXX about XXX years ago at the school that we attended together, and wesoon became best friends.

  b) Our friendship has lasted to this day.

  3. a) Our friendship has grown a great deal over the past three years.

  b) These days, for example we share all our secrets with each other.

  There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about XXX as my bestfriend. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.

  4. a) I guess the main reason why XXX and I became best friends, is that we have the sameinterests.

  b) For example, we both love listening to music, and we spend many hours togetherlistening to our favorite CD`s.

  5. a) Another reason why we have become best friends is that we both would like to go andstudy abroad in the near future.

  b) So we often chat about what possible majors we would study, and what university wewould like to attend.

  6. a) A third reason why s/he is my best friend is that we share many principles.

  b) For example, we both believe that we should not damage our health by smokingcigarettes.

  7. a) Lastly, I believe that XXX has had a positive influence on my life since we have met.

  b) XXX is always friendly, cares about his/her family and friends, and is always willing tolisten to others.

  So now you know why XXX is my best friend.


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