
100次浏览     发布时间:2024-10-22 08:02:58    










(2)能听懂、会说______等句子, 并在实际情景中运用。






































上面的通用模板是不是觉得很适用呢?那么接下来咱们就套用教案模板《what time is it?》来写一篇教案吧!

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Grasp the new words and phrase: music class, PE class, English class, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Ability aims:

Students' listening and speaking abilities will be improved and can understand the directive and do the corresponding activities.

Emotional aims:

Improve students' confidence of learning English and help them arrange time properly.

Key & difficult points:

Key points:

Master the new words and phrases and the usage of the sentence structure " It's time for…"

Difficult points:

Apply them into daily life.

Teaching methods:

Audio-lingual teaching method, communicative teaching method, TPR teaching method.

Teaching procedures:

Step1: warming up

Sing a song

Sing a song named "Ten little Indian boys" to review numbers. Then you can ask students to read the numbers. Draw a big circle on the blackboard, then I ask: what is it?

Ss: It is a clock. Then lead into the new lesson, "What time is it?"

Step2: presentation

Activity1: new words.

First, I will act as a clock with my arm, and let students speak out what time is it. Then draw some pictures such as a glass of milk, rice, ABC to present my new words and explain them one by one.

Activity2: new sentences:

1.I point to the clock and ask "What time is it?" , and students answer "It is __. It's time for_-__". Practice the sentences several time. Write down on the blackboard.

2. Ask and answer.

S1 : What time is it?

S2: It's 12 o'clock.

Ask some students to answer.

3.Sing a song with the new sentences just like two tigers and teach students to sing this song remember the sentences.

Activity3: make dialogues

Work in pairs , I will give students 5minutes to prepare the dialogue using the new words and sentences. Then ask volunteers to show their play in the front.

Step3: Consolidation

Activity1: show a picture of Zhang Peng's day.

Today, Zhang Peng does different things.

T: What does Zhang Peng do on the day? Let's see together. (Present the picture of the clock)

T: What time is it?

Ss: It's 7o'clock.

T: It's time for breakfast.

Teach students "Time for breakfast, drink some milk"(read and do the action).

Point to the other time and ask .

Activity2: Play a game. let's do.

Teach students a chant with action. Just like this:

It's time for breakfast. Let's drink some milk.

It's time for lunch. Let's eat some rice.

Then sing and do with the whole class.

Step4: Summary and homework

Conclude what we have learnt today. Ask students to conclude with me together. And tell them to arrange time properly and have a good habit.

Homework: let students sing the chant to their parents.

Blackboard design.


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